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#Gourmet MIKKE Repohappy Submission Campaign

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Beef tongue stew is so tender that it can be loosened with a spoon! French dining restaurant where you can enjoy a variety of dishes made with herbs and gin (FavGIN, Kita-ku, Osaka City).

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN

Advertisement This article is an advertisement of the advertiser ( FavGIN).

  • Minamimorimachi, Tenma, Tenjin
  • 2024.09.02|


Phone number
06-6450-5163 *Confirming in advance that reservations are possible will make things easier.
8-6 Ikeda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka [ MAP ].
Nearest station
Business hours
-Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Number of Seats
Average Budget
Seating - Average Budget
Seating - Average Budget - Jobs

*This article is an advertisement for the advertiser ( FavGIN). The article contains the writer's opinions.
The prices in the article are the prices at the time of the interview.

Kita-ku, Osaka City Recommended restaurant #Tenjinbashi #FavGIN #FavoGIN #French #French cuisine #Herb cuisine #Bisque #Gratins #Roast beef #Beef tongue stew #Gin #Wine #Course meal #All you can drink #Reasonable

Located an 8-minute walk from JR Tenma Station, FavGIN is a French dining restaurant where you can casually enjoy French cuisine with a focus on aromatic herbs.

The concept of the restaurant is to use plenty of herbs, which are said to be good for one's health, with the hope that customers will enjoy their meals and live a healthy life.

As the name of the restaurant means "favorite gin," the restaurant offers a wide selection of gins that go well with French cuisine, making it an attractive place to enjoy pairing with a wide variety of dishes.

Full of shrimp flavor! Our favorite soup dish!

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-002

Thick bisque of lobster and sweet shrimp" 1,089 yen (tax included)

Carefully selected lobsters and sweet shrimps are slowly simmered in a soup with aromatic vegetables and herbs.
This menu item, which offers a direct taste of the rich shrimp flavor, is recommended as the first course on a diverse menu.

The espresso-like fine foam is trotted out.
The aroma of herbs such as rosemary and basil also stands out and is said to be a perfect accent.

An excellent gratin with two kinds of cheese and potatoes!

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-003

Gratin Dauphinois" 1,309 yen (tax included)

Potatoes are seasoned with milk, cream and herbs and baked.
The cream sauce is made without any flour and thickened with potato starch.

The richness of the raclette cheese and Parmigiano-Reggiano, combined with the chunky texture of the potatoes, is said to be very satisfying.

This is a popular menu item with a great appetite!

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-004

Herb-marinated Roast Beef Thigh" 869 yen (tax included)

Japanese beef roast beef marinated and seasoned with several kinds of herbs.
The marinade gives the beef a tender yet firm texture.

It is served with a balsamic vinegar sauce that enhances the flavor of the meat and an accompanying salad and pickles.

Amazing tenderness and meaty flavor

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-005

Beef tongue stew" 2,189 yen (tax included)

Beef tongue stew slowly simmered with red wine, aromatic vegetables, and herbs is said to have a concentrated flavor that makes you want to eat it again.

The beef tongue, the star of the dish, is so tender that it can be loosened with a spoon.
They say it goes well with alcohol and can also be enjoyed as a meal with bread ordered separately.

Recommended for banquets and parties! Course Dishes

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-006

Herve Course" of 8 dishes priced at 4,980 yen (tax included)

<Course Contents
Herb salad with cream cheese and roasted nuts, vegetable garden style, red pepper mousse
Lobster and sweet shrimp bisque
Breaded Norwegian salmon with artichoke sauce
Grass-fed beef steak cooked at low temperature

An "all-you-can-drink" package for ¥1,980 (tax included) can be added to the course menu, which is available only with reservations.
The restaurant can be reserved for up to 17 people. The restaurant is also available for banquets and parties.

Recommended for a quick drink or as a bar.

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-007

FavGIN offers seven types of gin, including Tanqueray, Origin, and Nikka Cafe Gin, which is the specialty of FavGIN.

The drinks can be enjoyed with standard soda, on the rocks, or straight, as well as in cocktails such as gin and tonic.

There are a total of eight red and white wines, including carefully selected "Pinot Noir" and "Chardonnay.
The brand names are changed according to the season to ensure the best taste.

The restaurant also offers a wide variety of reasonably priced menu items, such as "Pinchos with Prosciutto and Cream Cheese" and "Roasted Smoked Nuts" (both 429 yen including tax), which are perfect for a quick drink.

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-008

Enjoy your favorite drink in a stylish space with the warmth of wood.

スプーンでほぐれる柔らかさ!濃厚な旨みが際立つ「牛タンシチュー」ハーブをふんだんに使った多彩な料理とこだわりのジンが楽しめるフレンチダイニング(大阪市 北区 FavGIN/ファボジン)|FavGIN-009

Be sure to visit "FavGIN," where you can enjoy authentic French cuisine using a variety of herbs at reasonable prices and a wide variety of carefully selected gins and wines.

#Osaka City
#North Ward
#French food
#Herb Cuisine
#Roast beef
#Beef tongue stew
#Course meal
#All you can drink

Date of interview: 2024.08.23

All photos are provided by the restaurant.
This article is based on a telephone interview.

* This article is an advertisement article of the advertiser ( FavGIN). The article contains the writer's opinions.
The contents and prices are current at the time of the interview.

#Gourmet restaurants for the Gourmet Repohappy Submission Campaign

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2024/09/02 13:32:40

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